Student Holding Florida Tech Flag on College Colors Day
Student Leader Awards

Each Spring, Student Life honors several student leaders for their contributions to the campus community. Decisions are based in part on the extent to which the student's contribution exceeds what is normally expected of an active participant.

Students can be honored for their contributions to any part of campus life, including work with student organizations, intercollegiate athletics, house governments, orientation programs, community service, etc. 

Visit the Student Life office on the 2nd floor of the Denius Student Center to see the winners. 


Civic Awards

Bronze, Silver, and Gold. More information can be found under Civic Engagement

Protestant Campus Ministry Service Award and Scholarship

Fantastic First Year Award

This award recognizes students who have made the most of their first year at Florida Tech through strong academic performance, actively engaging in activities and experiences outside of the classroom and demonstrating a desire to become an integral member of the community

Kitty & Jill Eanes Scholarship

Established in 2017, the Kitty & Jill Eanes Scholarship supports any student but preferences members or allies for the LGBTQ+ community. 

GSA of the Year

To recognize the time, effort, and dedication our GSA's put into ensuring the academic success of their students. Being and educator and mentor to students while also pursuing your own graduate level degree is an important task to take on and the GSA selected by the student body has proven to have successfully handled this task.

Staff Member of the Year

To recognize a member of the Florida Tech staff who continuously goes above and beyond to create a welcoming and safe learning environment for Florida Tech students. Academic success involves more than just the time spent inside the classroom and the staff member of the year chosen by the student body proves that student success is a holistic process.

Professor of the Year

To recognize a member of the Florida Tech faculty who continuously goes above and beyond to create a welcoming and safe learning environment for Florida Tech students.

Official of the Year

An award for the official that goes above and beyond, always has a great attitude and always one of the hardest workers on the field

Intramural Sports Athlete of the Year (2 awardees)

An amazing athlete  both on the field/court and off. Always proves themselves to be a great sport and athlete.

Outstanding Secretary of the Year (Recreation member and RSO member)

To recognize a secretary who maintains a record of the group's meetings and activities, keeps the members of the organization up to date with all organization business and activities, and maintains an account of the organizations activities for subsequent organization members.

Outstanding Treasurer of the Year (Recreation member and RSO member)

To recognize a treasurer who properly and adequately maintains the budget and expenditures of the organization, properly handles any funding requests made by the organization, and keeps the leadership and membership of the organization up to date of the budget.

Outstanding Vice President of the Year (Recreation member and RSO member)

To recognize a vice president who demonstrates high degree of leadership and membership development, acts as an effective spokesperson for his/her organization, tries to develop strong ties with other organizations, and a willingness to step in when the president is unavailable.

Outstanding President of the Year (Recreation member and RSO member)

To recognize a president who demonstrates high degree of leadership and membership development, acts as an effective spokesperson for his/her organization, tries to develop strong ties with other organizations, and successfully incorporates other officers and members into the day-to-day operations of the organization.

Advisor of the Year

To recognize an advisor who encourages members’ involvement in the campus and/or community, has assisted with increasing the organization’s ability to work as a group toward a common goal, and encourages cooperation among groups and individuals.

Rising Star Student Leader

To recognize a student who contributes enthusiastically and displays the characteristics of an effective future leader, and makes effective leadership contributions to the organization.

Student Leader of the Year

A student who consistently surpasses expectations to assist students or student organizations in successful pursuit of organizational and individual success; accepts new tasks and challenges with enthusiasm and positive attitude; strives not only to share thoughts and opinions for new ideas but is also a part of putting ideas into action; and has had significant impact on co-curricular life at Florida Tech beyond the scope of campus responsibilities.

Organization Awards

Civic Awards

Bronze, Silver, and Gold. More information can be found under Civic Engagement

Outstanding Educational Event

An educational event that is not only creative but original as well and educates as many students as possible. The event should also demonstrate excellent planning and utilize excellent publicity techniques.

Outstanding Social Event

A community and service event that an organization or department put on as part of community service.

Outstanding Philanthropic Event

A social program or event that provides positive social interaction between students, demonstrates excellent planning and creativity, utilizes excellent publicity techniques to reach the targeted audience, and provides a fun opportunity for a significant number of Florida Tech students.

Rising Star Student Organization

To recognize a new organization that demonstrates commitment to membership development and outreach, has potential for future contributions to campus life, effectively plans and implements activities for the campus community during this academic year, and has clear sense of mission and goals for the group.

Organization of the Year (Recreation and RSO)

To recognize the organization that facilitates development of leadership skills for students, has had an impact on campus community through programming and services, is a regular supporter of campus-wide events and co-sponsorship opportunities, and is seen by others as a role model for other groups to follow.